Build your back with this straight forward back workout

Suitable for beginners to advanced training levels

Total workout time less than 1hr

1. Wide grip pulldown

3 sets 8-12 reps

2. Single arm plate loaded row

3 sets 8-12 reps

Chin up (supinated grip will hit the biceps aswell)

3 sets 8-12 reps

4. Chest supported single arm pull down

3 sets 8-12 reps

5. Cable Y Raises / Rear Delt Fly

3 sets 8-12 reps


The weight you use should make the last 2-3 reps quite difficult.

Rest between each set for minimum 1-2 mins 

When you can complete 12 reps of each set increase the weight


A legs day that hits all the muscles, without being too brutal

Suitable for beginners to advanced training levels

Total workout time less than 1 hr

1. Leg press

3 sets 6-8 reps

2. Romanian deadlift

3 sets 8-12 reps

3. Leg extension

3 sets 8-12 reps

4. Leg curl

3 sets 8-12 reps

5. Calf raise

3 sets 8-12 reps



Your leg press you’ll go heavier with a lower rep range of 6-8 reps. The lower the reps the more rest you may need

The weight you use should make the last 2-3 reps of each set quite difficult

When you can complete max reps of each set increase the weight.


Working the Glutes & Hammies is about more than just sculpting the posterior. Strong Glutes & Hammies increase speed and explosive power as well as helping us out in every day life. This workout focuses entirely on Glutes & Hammies .

Suitable for beginners to advanced training levels

Total workout time less than 1 hr

1. Romanian Deadlift

3 sets 8-10 reps

2. Glute Drive

3 sets 8-12 reps

3. Bulgarian Lunge

2 sets 10-12reps

4. Leg curl

3 sets 8-12 reps

5. Hyperextension Glute Focus

2 sets 15-20 reps



The lower reps will allow you to go much heavier. 

The weight you use should make the last 2-3 reps of each set quite difficult

Allow 1-2 mins rest between sets. 

When you can complete max reps of each set increase the weight.


A posterior focused workout involves working the entire posterior chain. This program would go well with a glute & hammie or a back day later in the week.

Slightly more volume because it’s the entire posterior not just one particular muscle group

Suitable for beginners to advanced training levels

Total workout time less than 1 hr

1. Romanian Deadlift

3 sets 8-10 reps

2. Dumbbell Step Up

2 sets 12-15  reps

3. Wide Pulldown

3 sets 8-10 reps

4. Leg curl

3 sets 12-15 reps – triple dropset last set

5. Single Dumbbell Row

2 Sets 10-12 reps

6. Hyperextension Glute Focus

2 sets 15-20 reps



The weight you use should make the last 2-3 reps of each set quite difficult

Allow 1-2 mins rest between sets. 

When you can complete max reps of each set increase the weight.


This arm workout is designed to help you achieve that strong, sculpted look! We’ll be focusing on slow, controlled movements to really activate those muscles. By adding time under tension, we’ll make each rep more effective, keeping your muscles working hard through every second. Get ready to feel the burn as we target both the biceps and triceps, building shape and definition for a balanced look. Let’s jump in and make every rep count!

1. Dumbbell Hammer curl 

3 sets 8-10 reps

2. tricep Press down

3 sets 8-10  reps

3. Standing cable curl

3 sets 10-12 reps

4. Overhead Extension

3 sets 10-12 reps 

5. Forearm Curl

3 Sets 10-12 reps



The weight you use should make the last 2-3 reps of each set quite difficult

Allow 1-2 mins rest between sets. 

When you can complete max reps of each set increase the weight.

Quads and Delts

Here’s a unique way to structure your workout with a focus on quads and delts!
This session is designed to hit all your quad exercises first, then finish with delts. Starting with quads allows you to work the big, lower-body movements, then you move to delts, and finishing off with a smaller muscle group after working the larger. 


3 sets 8-10 reps

2. Bulgarian Split Squats

2 sets 10-12  reps

3. Leg Extensions

3 sets 12-15 reps

(Last set includes a triple drop set)

4. Seated Shoulder Press

3 sets 8-12 reps 

5. I-Y-T raises 

2 Sets AMRAP


The weight you use should make the last 2-3 reps of each set quite difficult

Allow 1-2 mins rest between sets. 

When you can complete max reps of each set increase the weight.

Full Body Workout

Full body workouts are a great way to get bang for buck when you’re short of time.
1-2 of these sessions done with intensity will deliver fantastic results.
Remember the key is to work with intensity.
Perform every set close to failure
1. Leg Press
2-3 sets with 6-10 reps
2. Pulldown
Use the mag grip 2-3 sets with 6-10 reps
3. Leg Curl
Seated 2-3 sets with 8 – 12 reps
4. Chest Press
Flat 2-3 sets 6-10 reps
5. Superset cable bicep with tricep press
2-3 sets 8-12 reps


The weight you use should make the last 2-3 reps of each set quite difficult

Allow 1-2 mins rest between sets. 

When you can complete max reps of each set increase the weight.