Before & after



I don’t care so much what the scales say because I’m the fittest and strongest I’ve ever been, I’m starting to learn to like clothes shopping. I actually enjoy playing with my kids, I’m even learning to enjoy the beach


2.5 years ago. I was depressed, over weight and totally unmotivated. I’d regained nearly every kilo I had lost in the past. I was drinking a lot and eating my emotions. I was so unfit, I didn’t want to play with the kids. Buying clothes was dreaded. I walked into the gym scared paranoid and desperate and so unfit. I walked into a place of no judgment and acceptance. With some of the most supporting people I’ve encountered. Fast forward to now. I have been training with Jamie at Gym it for two years and found out I needed brain surgery I had to modify exercise and stop for a few months. But now… I’m off all medications, I have addressed my habits in both exercise and nutrition, so I don’t eat my emotions. I don’t care so much what the scales say because I’m the fittest and strongest I’ve ever been, I’m starting to learn to like clothes shopping. I actually enjoy playing with my kids, I’m even learning to enjoy the beach.
Nadine Bald

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